AMUL FULL FORM| What does Amul actually mean?



Definition:Anand Milk Union Limited 
Category:Business>>Companies & Corporations

What does Amul really mean?

Anand Milk Union Limited AMUL Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), manages the dairy brand.

The headquarters of the cooperative can be found in Anand Gujarat, India. The cooperative produces a range of dairy products including milk, butter and cheese as well as icecreams and other health drinks.

Amulya is a Sanskrit term that means "precious and priceless" in Sanskrit.

Limited AMUL-Anand Milk Union

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Anand Milk Union Limited

Anand Milk Union LimitedAn Indian brand has been a part of our lives for almost fifty years and still touches a chord in our hearts.

Brand Amul is a forceful protector of Indian consumers and producers. It has been a symbol in many ways: high-quality products at an affordable price, the creation a large cooperative network, and a proven model for dairy development.

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1946 was the year when the colonial government of Mumbai got the right to buy milk from villages. Kaira district.The milk was distributed by the government in Mumbai.

The firmPolson dairyThe farmers hired contractors to collect the milk from the villages. Farmers found contractors unreliable when collecting daily milk supplies, so they paid them an unfair and insufficiently compensated rate.

The farmers refused to supply milk

Because they considered this unacceptable, the farmers refused to supply milk. They established a cooperative led by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and MorarjiDasai. They were granted the right to collect milk from their district and to sell it to the government.

The co-operative was established with 250 liters of milk per day. This was the beginning of the Kaira District Milk Producers Union. It was officially registered December 14, 1946.

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Amul is the inspiration behind Operation Flood and is credited for the 'White Revolution in India.. It began with 250 liters of milk per day from two village cooperatives. It distributes over a million liters of milk per day, collects milk, and makes many other milk products.

It removes the need for intermediaries by taking care of the milk supply from the cattle farmers and sending it directly into the factory. Amul, a symbol of the dreams and aspirations of millions of farmers, is called Amul.

The father of the white revolution

The extraordinary contributions of the "White Revolution", cannot be overlooked Dr.Verghese KurienWho is more famous than the ""The father of white revolution"He is synonymous with Amul in India. He is sometimes called the "Milkman in India".

For his outstanding contributions, he has been awarded many accolades and awards, including the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership, Padam Shri Padam Bhushan, Krishi Ratna Award, Wateler Prize Award of Carnegie Foundation, and many other.

The Amul Model is a three-tier cooperative structure. It consists of a Dairy Cooperative Society at the village level that is affiliated with a Milk Union at the District level. The Milk Federation at State level also federates with it.

The Village Dairy collects milk

A three-tiered structure was designed to delegate various functions. The Village Dairy Society collects milk. Milk procurement and processing takes place at the District Milk Union. The State Milk Federation is responsible for milk and milk products marketing.

It was designed in Amul, Gujarat. Operation Flood Programme has replicated the structure throughout the country.

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